Strati 2023 Lille

Scientific program


As for previous editions of STRATI, the congress is the main scientific meeting of the ICS. It is thus dedicated to all topics and questions in updating and improving the geological time scale. The scientific program is intended to give space to all stratigraphic fields, methodologies and applications.

We are happy to announce the following keynote speakers and the topics of their talks:

  • Laia Alegret (Zaragoza, Spain): Global events of the Paleogene.
  • Lucia Angiolini (Milano, Italy): Carboniferous-Permian environments and climate.
  • Steven Holland (Athens, GA, USA): Stratigraphic palaeobiology.
  • Michael Joachimski (Erlangen, Germany): Chemostratigraphy.
  • Jacques Laskar (Paris, France): Astronomy and stratigraphy.
  • Christopher Scotese (Evanston, IL, USA): Phanerozoic geography and climate.

Scientific themes will be mostly organized as plenary sessions, but parallel sessions will also be scheduled, as well as large poster sessions. Group meetings and workshops are possible, with smaller rooms available for all ICS subcommissions (and other groups) that wish to organize their official business meetings.

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