Strati 2023 Lille

Excursions > Post-excursion 2: Ordovician of Estonia

logostrati2023 Post-congress excursion 2

Ordovician of Estonia (July 15-18, 2023) - Pre-conference ISOS14 excursion

The four-day excursion will focus on the Ordovician succession of northern and central Estonia. The cost is EUR 300 (includes bus travel, field lunches, excursion guidebook). The maximum number of participants is limited to 60. Please note that participants are responsible for arranging accommodation for the entire period of the excursion in Tallinn.

The stops to be visited include coastal cliffs exposing uppermost Cambrian to Upper Orovician siliciclastics and limestones, and active quarries and opencast mines for limestone and oil shale. Additionally, selected drill cores from central and southern Estonia piercing the entire Ordovician sequence will be shown at the Geological Survey's core study facility.

Information and registration directly to the organisers:

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